Mon. Jan. 23, 1911
Well I took my Exam this morning I got up at 4:30 to study for it and I got along finely with it though I was scared before hand. My I was glad when noon came and I was done. Vera and I ate lunch in the lunchroom and in the afternoon she took another Exam and I worked in the Chem. Labatory[sic]. Caryle Bissel and David Goltold came down there and mixed up the awfullest lot of stuff had one or two explosions and had a good time generally. I enjoyed the excitment[sic] too when it wasn’t too fearful, you see Mr Chamberlin wasn’t down there and we had it to ourselves. I meet Mr. C in the hall and he said “You wrote a very fine paper Miss Wight.” My I was happy.
Tues. Jan. 24, 1911
This morning Roscoe called up and asked me to go skating out to Oakwood he said May and Livingstone were going so I said I would I didn’t feel much like going with him (not because there is anything bad about him, but because I seem to get tired of any boy after I have gone with him a time or two) but I wanted to skate. Livingstone [took] his Kodak and took four or five pictures and the pond was ideal for skating just as smooth and glassy Oh but it was fun!! There was quite a wind too I spread out my coat and sailed up one side of the lake it was quite exciting!! I treated Roscoe so coolly that Im afraid I was almost rude. I don’t think that he will ask me to go anywhere again. But I had a lovely morning though I was rather independent and bothered Roscoe considerable.
Thurs. Jan. 26, 1911
This evening I went to the meeting of the Athenaeides Society! Oh I guess I haven’t said that the Athenaiedes Society has invited me to become and[sic] active member!! I had the privilige[sic] of coming to their meeting tonight before I accepted replied if I wished so I went. Well it’s a fine bunch of girls in the Society some of the nicest girls in H.S. and I feel real honored to be invited. You see it’s a literary society and tonight was a Mark Twain evening. The programme was fine. Ruth MacCarthy is President. After the program they had a social hour. The number of members is limited to 25. Rosamond and Vera also got bids and are going to accept. I know I will be afraid to get up and make a speech when it comes my turn but then it will be fine practice for me.
Fri. Jan. 27, 1911
Well tonight I went to the sixth Annual[sic] Junior Baraca Banquet and I had a fine time!!! I wore my new pink silk party dress and I like it real well. Roscoe came for me about quarter to seven and we just caught a car by jumping on the front platform. It[sic] the Banquet I sat between Roscoe and Gilbert Jones and I had a lot of fun. We sat at the end of one of the tables and all the people at our end of the table were real jolly. The decorations we[sic] fine. The toasts were fine every one!! Livingston Latourette made a splendid toastmaster!!! There were about 90 at the Banquet. After the Banquet we played a couple of games and by one of them you got better acquainted for you changed parteners[sic] about every 2 minutes. If all Banquets are as nice as this one they are worth going to. Got home about twelve oclock.