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Exams, More Skating, and Athenaiedes Society


Mon. Jan. 23, 1911

Well I took my Exam this morning  I got up at 4:30 to study for it and I got along finely with it though I was scared before hand. My I was glad when noon came and I was done. Vera and I ate lunch in the lunchroom and in the afternoon she took another Exam and I worked in the Chem. Labatory[sic]. Caryle Bissel and David Goltold came down there and mixed up the awfullest lot of stuff  had one or two explosions and had a good time generally. I enjoyed the excitment[sic] too when it wasn’t too fearful, you see Mr Chamberlin wasn’t down there and we had it to ourselves. I meet Mr. C in the hall and he said “You wrote a very fine paper Miss Wight.” My I was happy.

Livingston Latourette, senior class picture, 1911

Tues. Jan. 24, 1911

This morning Roscoe called up and asked me to go skating out to Oakwood  he said May and Livingstone were going so I said I would  I didn’t feel much like going with him (not because there is anything bad about him, but because I seem to get tired of any boy after I have gone with him a time or two) but I wanted to skate.  Livingstone [took] his Kodak and took four or five pictures and the pond was ideal for skating just as smooth and glassy Oh but it was fun!! There was quite a wind too  I spread out my coat and sailed up one side of the lake it was quite exciting!! I treated Roscoe so coolly that Im afraid I was almost rude. I don’t think that he will ask me to go anywhere again. But I had a lovely morning though I was  rather independent and bothered Roscoe considerable.

Thurs. Jan. 26, 1911

This evening I went to the meeting of the Athenaeides Society! Oh I guess I haven’t said that the Athenaiedes Society has invited me to become and[sic] active member!! I had the privilige[sic] of coming to their meeting tonight before I accepted replied if I wished so I went. Well it’s a fine bunch of girls in the Society some of the nicest girls in H.S. and I feel real honored to be invited. You see it’s a literary society and tonight was a Mark Twain evening. The programme was fine. Ruth MacCarthy is President. After the program they had a social hour. The number of members is limited to 25. Rosamond and Vera also got bids and are going to accept. I know I will be afraid to get up and make a speech when it comes my turn but then it will be fine practice for me.

Fri. Jan. 27, 1911

Well tonight I went to the sixth Annual[sic] Junior Baraca Banquet and I had a fine time!!! I wore my new pink silk party dress and I like it real well. Roscoe came for me about quarter to seven and we just caught a car by jumping on the front platform. It[sic] the Banquet I sat between Roscoe and Gilbert Jones and I had a lot of fun. We sat at the end of one of the tables and all the people at our end of the table were real jolly. The decorations we[sic] fine. The toasts were fine every one!! Livingston Latourette made a splendid toastmaster!!! There were about 90 at the Banquet. After the Banquet we played a couple of games and by one of them you got better acquainted for you changed parteners[sic] about every 2 minutes. If all Banquets are as nice as this one they are worth going to. Got home about twelve oclock.

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